Cruit go nÓr • Harp of Gold

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1 Virgo Sancta Brigida


2 Schock.A.Torum & Masque


3 Wo Betyde Thy Wearie Bodie


4 Conchubhar Mhac Coiréibhe


5 Lamento Di Tristan • La Rotta


6 Kaniad San Silin


7 Port Robart • Airrgeann Mór


8 Port Ballangowne• Is Eagal Leam Am Bas • Jig


9 Cailín Ó Chois tSiúre Mé


10 Cumha Ioarla Wigton


11 Canaries


12 Cumha A' Chléirich


13 Sith Co Nemh


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